I started learning about communication at the age of 30 and was mentored by a former political prisoner from the country of Chile. I learned over time that communication is the source of everything, literally every result in life, in business and in our personal lives. And that there is nothing more powerful than a person who can communicate their ideas skillfully and in the process invent their life and if they’re really skilled, the lives of others. I got totally hooked by the notion that our world and the quality of our lives is determined by our skill with language and communication. So over the past 21 years I’ve analyzed more than 1,000,000 business conversations word by word, line by line and the findings are in. Most people on the planet are not in touch with their ‘unlimited personal power’, not even a little bit. Most on the planet are walking around like zombie robots. So I’m clear that my WHY for being here, is to ‘open the door’ to personal power for individuals, families, companies, communities and countries in that order. In my Language Of Commitment™ programs, I offer a communication philosophy and a simple model for effective communication that is catching on in a big way. My programs and all I do are designed to get people deeply in touch with their ‘unlimited personal power’.